Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us – Ephesians 3:20
Doesn’t it feel amazing to know that God stands ready, willingand able to do exceedingly more for you than you can even imagine? Right now, as you read these words, He is sending magnificent blessings your way. Blessings so abundant that they surpass all that you have dreamed of and even all that you have prayed for. Dwell in that for a moment and think about the wonders of God taking place in your life right now.
He anticipated your current needs before you even thought of this day, and He laid a path for your provision. His power constantly works within you, teaching, molding and correcting. With a love and grace that surpasses all human understanding, God guides you towards His gloriously perfect will. You don’t have to wait for your blessing because He is blessing you right now, providing all that you have been waiting for.
With God on your side, there is no “I got next!” It’s “I got now!” Take a moment and look around to recognize His incredible presence in your life. Know that what is coming far exceeds anything that has gone because His love is everlasting, mercifuland exceedingly above all else.
This month’s Ivy Box will have you feeling abundantly pretty in your new AKA Chain-link Active Leggings, AKA Chain-link Active T-Shirt, and stylish Racerback Tank. Let us know if you loved your July Ivy Box in the comments!